Story used with permission from Sandoval County Historical Society.

Thomas Harry Jenks, mining engineer, mine owner, geologist and English gentleman, or Harry, as he liked to be called, became interested in Bland as early as 1896, although his father, William Jenks, was here as early as 1894.
Harry Jenks took over the claims his father held , as well as staking many of his own claims. He also carried on with the National Finance and Holding Company’s claims, which his father had managed for the same company, which later became the parent company of the Gold Range Mining Company.
Harry was a meticulous man, and had all of his records been found before most of them were used to start stove fires, here at Bland by Effie Jenks, his second wife, and others, the writing of the history of the Cochiti Mining District might have been an easier task.
One of the reasons the Bland development work, directed by him, was not of a great magnitude, was the fact that the company also had holdings in Central City, Colorado, which was where most of his interests lie.
Harry was quite fond of Bland and apparently had wanted to make this his final home. He brought two brides to Bland, one in the 1920’s and the other in 1936. The last bride might have been a less than wise decision on his part, although the lady did try to keep up with his tradition here at Bland.