Lt. Simpson Expedition against the Navajo, 1849, Map clip Wheeler Survey, Jemez and Santa Fe Ranges, Atlas Sheet, 1874 (note campsite numbers) Wheeler Survey Map of San Diego Canyon and Monument Canyon, 1876 Wheeler Survey Map of Southern Colorado and Northern New Mexico, 1882 Wheeler Survey Map of North CentralContinue Reading

Soda Dam Talk for Jemez Springs Friends of the Library, by Tom Swetnam, Sept 26, 2020 Fire, Forests & People of the Jemez Talk, Jemez Springs Friends of the Library, by Tom Swetnam, May 8, 2021 Lonesome Pine of Chaco Canyon Talk, Friends of the Jemez Springs Public Library, byContinue Reading

The following postings include links to videos of Jemez Valley history talks, reports of tree-ring dating of historic buildings and other objects in the Jemez Mountains, table of contents of a forthcoming book (to be published in 2025), and new articles not in the book. Most of the video talks,Continue Reading